Friday, December 11, 2009

Why being a single woman in Philly sucks

I read stuff about this before but was looking it up again today and found some interesting sites. Basically, there are many more single women in Philly than men. While I assume some of these sites factor in sexual preference, if they don't, that takes away even more men from the pool. Then (for many of us) who would like an educated man (at least a 4-year college degree) or, in lieu of that, at least a guy that even without the degree is smart enough and talented enough to have a decent career path (also, don't get me wrong, just because you have a degree doesn't neccessarily mean you are intelligent!), and you are left with even less. Also, at my age (28) is seems the majority of the single men are in their early 20's or divorced and at least 40+. Ugh.

Philly is #25 out of 36 on this list: Best and Worst Cities to Encounter Single Men

The map on this isn't great, but it's interesting to see the difference between the east and the west coast. According to this 2007 "Singles" map, in the NYC metro area, combined with the Philadelphia metro area there at least 240,000 more single women than men!

And here's a list of the ratio of single men to single women by PA counties. In Philly it's 74 single men for every 100 single women. Again, however, I'm not sure if this takes into account sexual preference. If you are interested, this site also has lists for every state.

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